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Makes 12 crackers

These Spanish olive oil tortas, or tortas de aceite, tastes just like the store-bought sweet olive oil tortas by Ines Rosales. Crisp. Crackly. And with just the right amount of sweet. For best results, they should be rolled out to nearly translucent.


  • 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 cups Italian 00 flour* or cake flour
    1 teaspoon sea salt
    2 teaspoons anise seeds
    Scant 1/2 cup Spanish extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for the baking sheets
    2/3 cup warm water
    3 tablespoons raw sugar, plus extra for sprinkling
    2 teaspoons instant yeast
    Confectioners’ sugar, for dusting
    All-purpose flour, for the work surface
    1 large egg white, beaten


  • 1. Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C).
    2. Mix 1 1/2 cups flour, salt, and anise seeds in a bowl. Set aside. Pour the olive oil into a measuring cup or another bowl with the water, then add the sugar and yeast and mix well. Set aside for a few minutes for the yeast to become frothy.
    3. Make a well in the center of the flour mixture and slowly pour in the yeast mixture, using a fork to gradually mix in the flour. When everything starts to come together, use your hands to mix it into a lovely, smooth dough. If the dough is sticky as heck, add some or all of the remaining flour, a little at a time, until a smooth dough forms.
    4. Lightly oil 2 large baking sheets, then dust them with confectioners’ sugar. Lightly flour a clean work surface and a rolling pin with all-purpose flour. Divide your dough into 12 equal-size pieces and shape each one into a ball, then roll out each ball until it’s almost translucent and about 5 inches in diameter. Place each torta on a baking sheet and lightly brush with some beaten egg white. Dust the biscuits lightly with confectioners’ sugar and then scatter a little raw sugar.
    5. Bake for 6 to 8 minutes, then flip them over and continue baking about 5 more minutes. Watch the tortas closely as they can burn in seconds. Immediately transfer the tortas to wire racks to cool. The tortas flake and crumble.
    *00 FLOUR NOTE
    Look for 00 flour at Italian delis and markets, specialty stores, and some grocery stores.
Spanish olive oil tortas

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